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Category: AI Technology

Submitter: admin
Publisher: Michael Beck
Updated On:  Wed, 06-Mar-2024
Views: 151
Time: 0:00:00

Rating:    (0 Votes)
Nexigen 'Accelerating Enterprise AI' Leadership Summit Part 1
A Secure Approach to Enterprise AI - Jon Salisbury, Nexigen
Exploring AI Success Stories - Eric Carr, Compoze Labs
Category: AI Technology

Submitter: admin
Publisher: Michael Beck
Updated On:  Wed, 06-Mar-2024
Views: 96
Time: 0:00:00

Rating:    (0 Votes)
Nexigen 'Accelerating Enterprise AI' Leadership Summit Part 2
Introduction - Zack Huhn, Nexigen
Understanding AI Risks and Threats - Dr Kelly Cohen, University of Cincinnati
Understanding Practical GenAI Use Cases - Kevin Brimberry, IDC
Cincinnati AI...