AI Catalyst Meeting: November 2023  AI Catalyst  admin  29 Nov 2023 2:10 AM   No comments   936 reads


An important conversation on hashtag#ResponsibleAi continues here in Greater Cincinnati. This week we hosted our second Responsible AI roundtable discussion to identify opportunities to accelerate leadership in this area, from hashtag#startupgrowth to training/education. We're making real progress, and you may recall hashtag#ResponsibleAI was a dominant theme at the Cintrifuse annual meeting, especially the keynote interview with Kroger CIO/CDO Yael Cosset. Our local startup leaders like Katie Trauth Taylor, PhD and Maddie Bell ⚡️💬🗓️ are bringing invaluable first-hand perspective to this conversation while local university experts like Kelly Cohen of University of Cincinnati (hashtag#AI bio lab director) who's been at hashtag#AI for over 20 years feeding numerous startup innovations) and Miami University's Glenn Platt are enriching the conversation in countless ways. Christopher Brock (who runs a 250,000 person user group on hashtag#AI) and local agency leader Michael Stich (CourtAvenue) are bringing a sense of urgency to getting this right. Huge thanks to Carl Fraik for helping to pull together this second edition, and laying runway for bold next steps. This is a topic we can all feel good about shaping. Hard questions about trust, ethics, bias, accuracy, shopper and advertising transparency are all being tackled...with urgency...and through a unique (and I believe, trustworthy) midwest filter. A great example is the recent NITRO! Bootcamp led by my Maurice E. Coffey, II (Cintrifuse EIR) which brought 30 minority small businesses to our Union Hall headquarters two weeks ago for intensive tech and hashtag#AI training including building over sixty brand and service bots in a single session. The hashtag#ResponsibleAI dimension of this exploratory is that we pressure tested hashtag#AI through the lens of inclusion and access (and we saw real potential). We're summarizing our notes and will have more to share soon. Josette Riep Bharath Prabhakaran ryan hays Jeremy Vaughan Alfredo Colas Elisha Herrmann Alisa Smith Ashish Chatterjee Andrew Cron Donna Zaring Mike Venerable JP Nauseef Ron Rock Evan Garcia

Credit: Pete Blackshaw

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