Example - AI Readiness-Transition Roadmap  AI for Government Operations Workshop  admin  15 Aug 2024 5:30 AM   No comments   229 reads

Here is an example of a populated AI Readiness/Transition Roadmap template for “Anytown, USA”.

Courtesy of Cincinnati AI Catalyst


AI Readiness/Transition Roadmap for Anytown, USA

Organization Name: Anytown, USA

Department:  Administration or Information Technology

Roadmap Prepared By: IT Leader, Citizen Representative, Administration Representative

Date: August 11, 2024


1. Vision & Objectives

  • Overall Vision: To transform Anytown into a smart city by integrating AI-driven solutions that enhance public services, improve citizen engagement, improve customer service to citizens and optimize municipal operations.
  • Key Objectives:
    1. Enhance public road safety through predictive maintenance and AI-driven issue reporting systems.
    2. Improve city infrastructure management with AI-based predictive maintenance.
    3. Increase citizen engagement through AI-powered communication platforms.
    4. Optimize city services, such as waste management and traffic control, using AI and data analytics.


2. Current State Assessment

  • Existing Technologies:
    • Legacy systems for collecting issues and prioritizing/scheduling repairs.
    • Basic IoT sensors for infrastructure monitoring.
    • Traditional communication channels (phone, email) for citizen engagement.
  • Skills & Expertise:
    • Limited AI expertise among IT staff; strong foundation in data management.
    • No dedicated data scientists; reliance on external consultants for complex analytics.
  • Data Infrastructure:
    • Data silos across departments; limited integration and accessibility.
    • Inadequate data governance policies.
  • Governance & Policies:
    • Outdated IT governance structure; no AI-specific policies.
    • Basic cybersecurity measures; no AI ethics guidelines.


3. Gap Analysis

  • Technology Gaps:
    • Lack of integrated AI platforms for safety and infrastructure management.
    • Inadequate data integration tools across city departments.
  • Skills Gaps:
    • Need for AI training for IT staff.
    • Lack of data science expertise within the city workforce.
  • Data Gaps:
    • Poor data quality and limited access to real-time data.
    • Need for enhanced data governance and security protocols.
  • Policy Gaps:
    • Absence of AI ethics and governance frameworks.
    • Need for updated IT governance policies to support AI initiatives.


4. Action Plan

  • Short-Term Actions (0-6 months):
    1. Conduct AI training for IT staff and key administrative personnel.
    2. Implement a pilot AI project in the road maintenance department for potholes.
    3. Develop and adopt an AI ethics and governance framework. 
  • Medium-Term Actions (6-18 months):
    1. Deploy AI-based predictive maintenance systems for city infrastructure.
    2. Launch an AI-powered citizen engagement platform.
    3. Integrate data across city departments to support AI initiatives.
  • Long-Term Actions (18+ months):
    1. Expand AI solutions to other city services, including waste management and traffic control.
    2. Establish a dedicated AI and data science team within the IT department.
    3. Regularly review and update AI policies and governance frameworks.


5. Resources & Budget

  • Required Resources:
    • AI software platforms for maintenance, infrastructure, and citizen engagement.
    • Data integration tools and cloud storage solutions.
    • Training programs for staff development in AI and data science.
  • Estimated Budget:
    • Short-Term: $250,000 for AI training and pilot projects.
    • Medium-Term: $1,500,000 for AI deployments and data integration.
    • Long-Term: $3,000,000 for full-scale AI implementation and team expansion.


6. Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
    • Increase in predictive pothole repair (Road Safety).
    • Decrease in infrastructure repair costs through predictive maintenance (Infrastructure).
    • Increased citizen satisfaction and engagement levels (Citizen Engagement).
    • Improved data quality and integration across departments (Data Management).



  • Review Schedule:
    • Quarterly reviews of pilot project outcomes.
    • Biannual assessments of AI implementations across city services.
    • Annual review and update of AI governance and ethics frameworks.




  • Name & Title: Jane Doe, City Manager
  • Signature: ____________________________




This example template for Anytown, USA illustrates how a local government can populate the AI Readiness/Transition Roadmap with specific actions, resources, and evaluation metrics tailored to their needs and objectives.


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