Template - AI Readiness-Transition Roadmap  AI for Government Operations Workshop  admin  15 Aug 2024 5:30 AM   No comments   196 reads

Here is a 1-page template that can serve as a guide for leaders responsible for administration and/or IT in local governments to create a “Readiness/Transition Roadmap” for their organizations.

Courtesy of Cincinnati AI Catalyst


Template: AI Readiness/Transition Roadmap

Organization Name: __________________________________

Department: ________________________________________

Roadmap Prepared By: _______________________________

Date: ______________________________________________



1. Vision & Objectives

  • Overall Vision: (Briefly describe the vision for AI adoption in your organization)
  • Key Objectives: (List 3-5 primary objectives you aim to achieve with this transition)


2. Current State Assessment

  • Existing Technologies: (Outline current technologies, systems, and processes)
  • Skills & Expertise: (Assess the current skill level and expertise in AI-related areas)
  • Data Infrastructure: (Evaluate your data management practices, storage, and accessibility)
  • Governance & Policies: (Review existing governance structures and policies related to AI)


3. Gap Analysis

  • Technology Gaps: (Identify the technology needs that are not currently met)
  • Skills Gaps: (Highlight areas where additional training or expertise is needed)
  • Data Gaps: (Identify any deficiencies in data quality, accessibility, or management)
  • Policy Gaps: (Outline missing or outdated policies that need updating for AI readiness)



4. Action Plan

  • Short-Term Actions (0-6 months):

  • Medium-Term Actions (6-18 months):

  • Long-Term Actions (18+ months):


5. Resources & Budget

  • Required Resources: (List the resources required, including technology, personnel, etc.)
  • Estimated Budget: (Provide a rough estimate of the budget needed for the transition)


6. Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): (Define KPIs to track progress and success)
  • Review Schedule: (Set a schedule for regular reviews and updates to the roadmap)



  • Name & Title: ____________________________________
  • Signature: _______________________________________


This template provides a structured approach to developing an AI Readiness/Transition Roadmap, helping ensure that all critical aspects are covered and aligned with organizational goals.

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