AI Catalyst announces Board of Directors  AI Catalyst  admin  15 Aug 2024 7:40 AM   No comments   350 reads


Today, at the monthly meeting of the Cincinnati AI Catalyst (CAIC), Carl Fraik, the Executive Director, announced the CAIC Board of Directors:

- Carl Fraik

- Michael Beck

- Pete Blackshaw
- Kelly Cohen
- Josette Riep
- Nate Sowder

The Board of Directors of the Cincinnati AI Catalyst will focus on providing strategic direction and governance in a way that enables accelerating the adoption of human-centered, responsible AI across our region.

By driving the AI Blueprint for the Cincinnati region, including key initiatives in education, workforce development & inclusion, risk assessment, and startup support, the Board aims to position Cincinnati as a leading AI hub in the United States, ensuring that AI enhances every life, expands opportunities, and contributes to a prosperous, innovative future.

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